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About Pi-C

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Pi-C proposes a multi-dimensional definition of health at the industry level that spans wide range of issues. Accordingly, the proposed index comprises of five dimensions of health as:

  1. Economic: current economic status of the industry
  2. Stability: stability and resilience of the industry to absorb external and internal shocks
  3. Social: social health and well-being of the individuals associated with the industry
  4. Development: level of advancement and expertise in the state of the art of the industry (Upcoming)
  5. Quality: perception of public and owners about the industry and its output. (Upcoming)

Each dimension of Pi-C includes sub-indicators that reflect health factors and collectively suggest the trajectory of the health of the industry. Therefore, Pi-C (as an index for trajectory of health) is a composite index in the form of the coefficient of the current status to the reference year status (December 2013). In future, Pi-C will show the trends pegged to 2013 with an acceptable lag. An index with the value more than 100 will reflect an improvement of the health of the industry, while an index below 100 will reflect a deteriorating trend in the health of the industry. The left side navigation bar shows each dimension with its associated sub-indicators that are used to gauge status of the industry.